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Bonnie and Sammie

Bonnie and Sammie are a mare and foal combo who came to us as their owners were unable to meet their needs. Sammie was a surprise mid-winter baby and she barely made it through the first few days. She proved to everyone what a fighter she is, though, and pulled through. 

Sammie is a feisty chestnut filly, full of sass and loves life. Her favourite thing is attention and she loves a groom and a scratch, as well as playing with her friends. She has learned how to lead, tie and pick up her feet. She recently had a leg injury and had to learn how to be a good girl and stand for bandage changes - which was a lot for her little baby brain to process!

Bonnie is a lovely mare and a great mum, despite having a difficult start to motherhood. She initially wasn't so keen on her new baby, but once she figured out what to do she has been a fantastic mum. Bonnie also has a leg injury which we are working on, and she requires regular bandage changes, creams and medications. She is a great patient and has been a delight to have around. 

We will slowly and safely wean Sammie over the coming months, getting her and Bonnie ready for foster homes. Once they've fully recovered and received the right training, they'll both be ready for new homes. 


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