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Do you want to get involved in making great things happen for the rescue animals?

Rodney Animal Rescue has a great group of volunteers that run our fundraising team, but we are always looking for more help in this space. We need people who are doers – event organisers, networkers, project managers, marketers – all of this and more we could really use. We are also looking for people who can just turn up on the day of an event, slot in and help us out. You might be selling things, chatting to people about the rescue, running raffles or just helping with set up/pack downs. 

If you are someone who can have an idea and see it through to completion, loves animals, and has time to help – we would love to chat! 

Although, as we are a charitable cause, we can’t pay you for your time, we can pay you in animal cuddles and photo spam!

If this sounds like you please complete the form below and we'll be in touch.

Fundraising Team Application

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