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Mini Mares (names TBC!)

These two cuties are a mother and daughter combo who came to us when their owner could no longer meet their needs. They are yet to be named, as we are waiting for sponsors for them who will get the honour of giving them their new names! 

Our cute little mares both came with their own medical needs, including laminitic changes, dental needs and worm burdens. They've come along in leaps and bounds since being in our care and have seen the farrier and dentist already. They are both doing great and are such sweet little characters. 

We are slowly seeing their personalities come out and love to see little bits of sass here and there! They'll be with us for a while to improve their health, and then we will be looking for new homes for these cuties who are experienced with and set up to manage the needs of mini horses. 

Sponsor these two today to help name them!


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